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 Ame Country - Hidden ? Village and other sights.

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Ame Country - Hidden ? Village and other sights. Empty
PostSubject: Ame Country - Hidden ? Village and other sights.   Ame Country - Hidden ? Village and other sights. EmptyMon Jun 20 2016, 00:30

Ame Country wrote:
Ame Country - Hidden ? Village and other sights. Rain%20Country_zpsm2lm1sli
+ The country has been known to fall into its own civil war within the past ages. Now recovering from the struggles of the Great Shinobi War during the past. The country has started to show a more friendly and welcoming side with their new leader.

+ Country Data: Basic
x. Leader: Shijo Ame (Omnicron)
x. Prominent Clans: n/a
x. Funds + Population: ? + ?
x. Trade Level: Normal
x. Standing Point: Friendly

+ Country Data: Advance
x. Damiyo: n/a
x. Advisers: Jounin Com. Hiken
x. Alliances: Hikari Country
x. Military Strength (SPAG): 1 (+1 During War)
x. Majority Controller: Omnicron

+ Country Data: Resting Lounge
x. Hospital + Price: n/a
x. Inns + Price: Open + 50% Max HP = Cost (1 Night) [Restore 50% HP, Chakra, Stamina)

+ Surrounding Countries +
^ North of: KusaCountry
v South of: River Country
> East of: Fire Country
< West of: Wind Country

+ Notable Sights +
Ame Country - Hidden ? Village and other sights. N_a%20Image_zpspbyyt9jv? - Effect: n/a
Owner: ?
Ame Country - Hidden ? Village and other sights. N_a%20Image_zpspbyyt9jv? - Effect: n/a
Owner: Open
Ame Country - Hidden ? Village and other sights. N_a%20Image_zpspbyyt9jv? - Effect: n/a
Owner: ?
Ame Country - Hidden ? Village and other sights. N_a%20Image_zpspbyyt9jv? - Effect: n/a
Owner: Open
Ame Country - Hidden ? Village and other sights. N_a%20Image_zpspbyyt9jv? - Effect: n/a
Owner: Open
Ame Country - Hidden ? Village and other sights. N_a%20Image_zpspbyyt9jv? - Effect: n/a
Owner: ?
Ame Country - Hidden ? Village and other sights. N_a%20Image_zpspbyyt9jv? - Effect: n/a
Owner: Open
Ame Country - Hidden ? Village and other sights. N_a%20Image_zpspbyyt9jv? - Effect: n/a
Owner: Open
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Ame Country - Hidden ? Village and other sights.
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