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 Empire of Taiyo

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Joined : 2013-01-04

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Empire of Taiyo Empty
PostSubject: Empire of Taiyo   Empire of Taiyo EmptyTue May 23 2017, 17:55

- Empire of Taiyo -
> The Taiyo Empire is a grand, golden city almost as revered and mysterious as the Golden Country was back in centuries past. They are a regal people with many cities and developed infrastructure that makes daily life easier for its citizens. They are famous for their forges—almost similar to those of Steel Country, as they have been rumored to help forge the 4 legendary armors and weapons of great power. These armors can be repaired as well—if one completes the steps of 1000 souls, a trial that tests the strength of one’s soul. The ruling emperor is a holy man, who had learned the sealing teachings of the ancients that made this a formidable country.
+ Country Data +
x. Prominent Tribes: n/a
x. Border Policy: n/a
x. Standing Point: n/al
x. Climate: Hot and Humid
x. Population: 109,000

+ Government +
x. Village Leader: Ko Taiyo
x. Adviser: n/a
x. Alliances: n/a
x. Military Strength (SPAG): 1 
+ Resting Lounge +
x. Hospital + Price: 1
Open + Max HP = Cost (1 Night) [Fully Restore HP, Chakra, Stamina)
x. Inns + Price: 1
Open + 50% Max HP = Cost (1 Night) [Restore 50% HP, Chakra, Stamina)

+ Surrounding Countries +
^ North of: ---
v South of: ---
> East of:  ---
< West of: ----
+ Hazards +
+ Bandits & Thieves
+ Notable Sights +
Empire of Taiyo N_a%20Image_zpspbyyt9jvThe Hidden Village: Core - Effect: n/a
Owner: Ko Taiyo
The village is very kind to one another but when it comes to outsiders they are very violent to them. Its said that one must climb the stairs of 1000 souls in order to understand why the Empire is set on the Sun as its savior.
Empire of Taiyo N_a%20Image_zpspbyyt9jvStairs of 1000 - Effect: "Able to take up Quest: 1000 Souls and not enough bodies.
Owner: n/a
A stairwell that climbs up the side of a mountain to the top only those of the Taiyo Country know what lies at the top. However if one even asks they will not get an answer.
Empire of Taiyo N_a%20Image_zpspbyyt9jvn/a - Effect:
Owner: n/a
Empire of Taiyo N_a%20Image_zpspbyyt9jvn/a - Effect:
Owner: n/a
Empire of Taiyo N_a%20Image_zpspbyyt9jvn/a - Effect:
Owner: n/a
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