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 Blooming Hope (Re)

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Joined : 2013-01-04

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Blooming Hope (Re) Empty
PostSubject: Blooming Hope (Re)   Blooming Hope (Re) EmptyTue Jul 10 2018, 17:37

~ Blooming Hope ~

Quest Type: Repeatable

x The strange flowers known as, Luce seem to shimmer with light and warmth. Its been called the flower of hope allowing one to change small things in life. When using the flower’s powers it allows one to gain hope. x

~ Requirements ~
+ Level must be 10 or higher
+ 10 Posts or more

~ Rewards ~
[color=green]+ x1 Luce: - Evade All Attacks instantly | Can only use 1 in battle [Members can only have 3 on them]
+ Ability Points: +150
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